Astake Finance - The Best Auto-Staking & Auto-Compounding Protocol.
ASTAKE | Rebase | 614,917.56% APY! | Fairlaunch
$ASTAKE provides a decentralized financial asset which rewards users with a sustainable fixed compound interest model through use of it's unique AAP protocol.

Welcome to $ASTAKE Finance!
614,917.56% fixed APY
Get Paid 144 times a day (every 10 mins)
Automatic Compounding & Staking
LP Locked 15 years in Pink-Lock
Audited by SolidPoof
No team tokens
No rug pool
No extra mint or hidden tokens
No need to manually stake, nor lock
#astake #autostaking #autocompounding #Crypto #investments #investor #moneychallenge #defiyield #Definews #BSC #DeFi #Farm
Link Fair Launch:

Apr 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Clerklands, UK - (Newscall PR - April 02, 2022) - ASTAKE is a DeFi development company that creates next-generation products and services. Their Astake Auto-Staking Protocol (AAP) is the foundation for a series of DeFi 2.0 projects starting with the $ASTAKE token that is automatic staking and compounding in your wallet, and offers an industry best fixed 614,917.56% APY. Astake develops projects, products, and protocols that bring industry-leading benefits to holders of its utility token $ASTAKE.
DeFi has caused a stir amongst the savviest of investors, with most agreeing that it has offered up some of the richest opportunities in a revolution of sorts and that cryptocurrency has made more millionaires over the past decade than ever seen before.
By far DeFi is showing favor to becoming the easiest and agreed upon way to make your money work for you in an environment where cryptocurrency holders can lock or stake their tokens and receive high interest rates that most thoughts were unachievable. The tools that DeFi companies use to create these high returns are financial algorithms and token staking strategies called protocols which are made up of Smart-Contracts.
Defi 1.0 introduced several versions of these protocols that have attracted billions of dollars in capital, and have subsequently built many of crypto's top performing brands. DeFi 2.0 protocols promise token holders greater levels of simplicity and safety, and increased fixed returns from staking.
The developers of Astake have introduced the Astake Auto Staking Protocol (AAP), a DeFi 2.0 protocol that provides a decentralized financial asset, which rewards users with a sustainable fixed compound interest model through the use of its unique proprietary protocol.
Astake Autostaking Protocol (AAP) - Highest Fixed APY
AAP provides token holders simplicity, security, and a consistent fixed high yield return of 614,917.56% APY from their staking. It is used in the $ASTAKE token, providing it with these industry benefits:
Low Risk -Insurance Fund (AIF)
3% of all trading fees are stored in the ASTAKE Insurance Fund which helps sustain and back the staking rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk.
The Treasury
The Treasury plays a very important role in Astake's AAP protocol. It provides three extremely critical functions for the growth and sustainability of ASTAKE.
The treasury functions as additional financial support for the AIF. This additional support can become important in the event of an extreme price drop of the $ASTAKE token or an unforeseen black-swan event. It helps to establish a floor value for the $ASTAKE token. 1-3% of all trading fees are stored in the Treasury.
The treasury may also be used to fund new ASTAKE products, services, and projects that will expand and provide more value to the ASTAKE community as well as providing funding for marketing.
Astake Auto-Liquidity Engine (AALE)
Every 24 hours our Astake Auto-Liquidity Engine (AALE) will inject automatic liquidity into the market. On each buy or sell order there is a 3% tax fee that automatically gets stored into an Auto-LP wallet and built into our protocol's smart contract is the mechanism that smartly takes 50% of the amount of ASTAKE stored in the wallet, and will automatically buy BNB at the current market price.
The remaining 50% of ASTAKE in the Auto-LP wallet will be used for the ASTAKE side of liquidity, therefore giving an equal 50/50 weighting of ASTAKE/BNB which will then be automatically added as new, additional liquidity into the market pair and raising the amount of liquidity in the pool.
The AALE will do this every 24 hours by adding more and more liquidity to the pool which will allow $ASTAKE token holders to easily sell their tokens at any time with little to no market slippage. It will also aid in maintaining protocol stability to make sure the APY is upheld for the entire life of Astake.
Fire Pit: Auto Token Burn
One of the exciting features of the ASTAKE Protocol is an automatic token burn system named "The Fire Pit", which prevents circulating supply from getting out of hand and becoming unmanageable. The Fire Pit burns 1% out of all $ASTAKE Token market sales.
Staking - Easy and Safe
The ASTAKE token always stays in your wallet; it doesn't need to be put into the hands of a 3rd party or centralized authority. All you need to do is BUY & HOLD as you automatically receive rewards in your own wallet so there are no more complicated staking processes at all.
Rapid Interest Payment
The ASTAKE Protocol pays every ASTAKE Token holder each and every 10 minutes or 144 times each day, making it the fastest auto-compounding protocol in crypto.
How It Work?
Buy $ASTAKE using SWAP protocols at BSC Pancakeswap exchanges or similar trading platforms.
Hold $ASTAKE in your wallet, AAP protocol will reward tokens by rebase mechanism every 10 minutes.
Hold $ASTAKE for a long time with the highest payout in the crypto market. You will have amazing profits after 1 year.
Key To Success
$ASTAKE is the native token which interest rebase rewards are paid. Every token holder automatically receives 0.0166% interest every 10 minutes just for holding $ASTAKE tokens in their own wallet!
Auto-Liquidity Engine
Auto-Liquidity Engine (AALE) will be performed automatically after 24 hours. For each buy or sell transaction, a tax fee of 3% is stored in the Auto-LP wallet, then automatically adds 50% to the liquidity and the remaining 50% will buy BNB at the current market price to balance the Pool.
Cryptocurrency's highest Auto-Staking and Auto-Compounding protocol with industry's largest fixed APY of 614,917.56%. Interest rewards are accrued every 10 minutes for each BSC wallet holding any $ASTAKE tokens.
The Treasury
The treasury functions as additional financial support for the AIF. This additional support can become important in the event of an extreme price drop of the $ASTAKE token or unforeseen black-swan event. It helps to establish a floor value for the $ASTAKE token.
Insurance Fund
AIF is the acronym for the ASTAKE Insurance Fund which is a separate wallet in ASTAKE's AAP system. The AIF uses an algorithm that backs the Rebase Rewards and is supported by a portion of the buy and sell trading fees that accrue in the AIF wallet.
Fire Pit
1% of all $ASTAKE traded are burnt in the Fire Pit. The more that is traded, the more get put into the fire causing the fire pit to grow in size, larger and larger through self fulfilling Auto-Compounding, reducing the circulating supply and keeping the ASTAKE protocol stable.
Tokenomics Astake
Initial Supply — 300,000
Max Supply — 3,000,000,000
Available to Purchase on PinkSale Pre-Launch — 182,104 $ASTAKE
Tokens for Liquidity — 83,570 $ASTAKE
Token Breakdown — 90,535 will be used for PancakeSwap to match 51% liquidity and remaining 34,326 will be used for marketing inc:
Bounty Campaign (25,000), Airdrop (5000), Community Giveaways (4,326).
Website Development
Whitepaper Documentation
Build Phase — Smart Contract
Build Phase — dApp V1 Dashboard
Deployment Phase — Smart Contract — Testnet
Solidity Finance Audit
Deployment Phase — Smart Contract Deployment — Mainnet
Deployment Phase — dApp V1 Dashboard
Initiate and Promote Discord Community
PR Marketing
Bounty Campaign
Pre-Launch Marketing
Fair Launch on PinkSale
PinkLock Liquidity Locked 15 years
Twitter Marketing Campaign
YouTube Marketing Campaign
CoinMarketCap Listing
Certik Application
Certik Listing
Certik KYC
Certik Audit
CoinGecko Listing
DappRadar Listing
Airdrop Campaign
Build Phase — dApp V2 Dashboard
Deployment Phase — dApp V2 Dashboard
On Ramp Integration
Cross-Chain Integration
Development Mobile Application iOS and Android
Launch Alpha Version Mobile Application iOS and Android
NFT Collections
Vision & Mission
Our mission and vision is to revolutionize the reward generation mechanism with our very first and unique protocol that has advanced profit making. ASTAKE Finance is equipped with innovative technologies and features that other forks lack. We aim to provide auto staking and reward multiplication protocol in the crypto space. The ASTAKE's the future of the traditional staking system.
About Us
Astake provides a decentralized financial asset which rewards users with a sustainable fixed compound interest model through use of it’s unique $ASTAKE.
Astake delivers the industry’s highest fixed APY, paid every 10 minutes, and a simple buy-hold-earn system that grows your $ASTAKE portfolio in your wallet at a lightning fast pace.
Official Links:
Bitcointalk Username: Ayu Wandira
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=3239934
Telegram Username: @ayuwandiraputri01
BEP20(BSC) Wallet Address: 0xF84E224a803C82B2E2e4aC95bbdF456dc188Ac2626
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